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Device Drivers

Since our company was founded, we have implemented numerous device drivers for analytical measuring devices on behalf of our customers and successfully integrated them into various data systems. The range extends from the connection of simple sensors or valves to complete instruments.


Are you a manufacturer of measuring devices and would like to reach a larger customer base with your devices? Contact us!

Devices (LC, GC, CE, MS, UVVis)

A variety of device types

Whether LC, GC, CE, MS or UVVis - we develop drivers for all analytical measuring devices and sensors for connection to chromatography data systems.

You benefit from our experience in controlling various types of devices (pumps, detectors, samplers, fraction collectors, etc.).

Chromatography Data Systems (CDS)

Data system integration

As an Agilent Software Partner, we specialize in the development of Rapid Control (RC .Net) drivers. These can be seamlessly integrated into Agilent data systems (OpenLab CDS, ChemStation or EZChrom). But connection to data systems from other manufacturers via Agilent ICF (Instrument Control Framework) is also possible.

It is also possible to create native ThermoFisher Chromeleon drivers.

Our driver architecture allows us to reuse driver components and integrate them natively into a variety of other data systems with minimum effort.


More services

In addition to developing device drivers for your measuring or analysis device, we can also support you in planning and defining the communication interface.


We also accompany you through the testing and qualification process required for integration into data systems or carry it out completely for you.

Stable communication


Stable communication between the device and the device driver is essential. We place particular emphasis on this. Our drivers are designed to communicate and provide data stably over a long period of time without interruption. Therefore, measurements over the weekend or in an automated environment are no problem.

Intuitive user interfaces


Our drivers offer attractive and intuitive user interfaces that enable the configuration of your device, allow simple and secure entry of method parameters, and clearly display the status of your device.
It also ensures that only legitimate users can make changes.



All our drivers are globalized. Adaptation to multiple languages to open up global markets is easily possible.

Our drivers also come with an online help system, which we can create for you upon request.

Reports & Audit Trail


All parameters that can be entered are checked for validity. If a limit value is exceeded or fallen below, the entry is rejected.

All configuration and method parameters can be displayed, saved or printed in a report. In addition, every change is logged so that it is clear who made which change, when.



Our drivers support special interfaces that make it possible to automatically create methods or automatically monitor status values. This is the basis for modern approaches such as OPC UA or LADS®.


Our drivers are delivered with a setup that installs all components and registers the driver on the data system.


Our drivers also support the “Software Verification” procedure. After a successful installation, data integrity can be ensured.


Our drivers are also client-server capable. So operating in distributed systems is no problem!

Contact us to get more information!

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